Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sad news

Well, I thought I would let you all know that I am no longer engaged to Danny. I found out some things that he was doing that made me call the wedding off. Things like faithfulness. I'm doing ok I guess. For the past week I've just been numb but now that the numbness is wearing off, I miss him like crazy. I can't stand it. My mom and Dad have been so supportive, even his parents have been. They were devasted but told me that I did the right thing even though they hated saying it. I'm sorry to say that I'm not really going to be on here at all anymore. Thank you all for supporting me through everything. I love you girls.


Courtney said...

Oh my gosh Courtney I am so so sorry! But, if unfaithfulness is the case you did the right thing! I'm here if you need me & you'll be just fine girl. You are a beautiful person inside & out. You did not deserve this. You can & will do better. I love you girl. Hang in there!!!

Charla said...

Oh My God Courtney I'm so sorry girl! I know how hard this must have been the toughest decision for you, but I'm sure it was the right thing. You are such a sweetheart and you deserve to be happy. Always trust your heart and never settle for less than you deserve.

kbug said...

Oh Courtney, I'm so sorry that this must be very hard for you. I know you say you're doing okay, but I also know you hurt. It's so hard to stop loving someone...even when they do you wrong. I do believe you'll be fine, time. I'll be thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers.

Michelle said...

Oh, Courtney, I'm so sorry to hear that. You know we're all here for you if you need us! You are a wonderful person and I know life has great things in store for you!

Michelle said...

Oh I am so sorry! I do not know what else to say. Take care of yourself and I know that had to be the hardest thing you have ever done.

Cindy said...

Been following your blog for a while. I am so sorry you are going through this. Sometimes we really never know someone we think we know so well.
God bless.

vanessa said...

I know this is late and who knows if you still read your messages but I'm sorry. it is the hardest heartache to go through. I KNOW first hand. We made it through. If you love some one enough you can forgive if you feel he's worth forgiving. listen to your heart. it makes me sad to read this. brings back old memories but be strong. hugs.